From the latest research. It was found that taking time to besilence can help calm your nerves. And enhance energy It also helps to surprisingly adjust the mind to respond to the hectic environment.
When you look around. You might even see your co-workers chattering up. The sound of work emails keeps popping up intermittently. Ever feel tired without doing anything? Maybe you want to relieve stress. But if you’re tired of the same old pub dance, shopping, or karaoke sessions. Why not try “silence” to relax? For your health.

Help with learning and remembering Just two minutes of silence in classical music. Help the cardiovascular and respiratory system. It’s more relaxing than a lullaby playlist on the net.
It doesn’t just mean taking a break from the noise in the office, it also means stopping your LINE, post Facebook, look at IG when you’re standing still. and really be with yourself will cause a state of mental relaxation You will begin to remain calm and conscious. It makes you know to think before speaking more. affect decision It is beneficial to yourself as well.
In addition, the benefits of practicing silence and is another Ways to foster creativity, such as composing a song or writing a novel. unbelievable Because being silent will allow us to be more open to listening to the things around us. including being open to listening to profound things that may be difficult to understand
How to create a quiet time
1. It takes five minutes. Break between meetings
Find a quiet place to sit back and relax. It resets myself from fatigue. Slowly reviewing what is perceived to help you decide
2. Nature walk
abandon phone calls to be surrounded by the atmosphere of nature hour to two hours Helps to develop creativity Many creatives who have to deal with difficult tasks use the same approach.
3. Refrain from using social networks
a little longer It is possible to abstain all day, the better. or even following the news from the newspaper in order to be with myself and fully rest my body and mind
4. Practice meditation
It is the most obvious way to practice mental tranquility. Helps develop the ability to listen and understand things better. The results of the experiment found that When breathing in and out slowly, it detoxes the brain from perceiving chaotic stories and calms the mind. ready to be more open to new things