Causes of scoliosis

Causes of scoliosis.

Scoliosis can be caused by many things, including:

1. Idiopathic scoliosis 

occurs in children with abnormalities in the spine, with varying degrees of curvature. It can observed visually from external appearance or by X-ray. There is a higher risk in females than males.

Treatment method: The doctor will consider the age, the angle of the spine that is curving, and whether the patient has reached a stage of skeletal arrest to see the chance of the spine stopping curvature, such as women who have started menstruating. The doctor will examine with an X-ray to measure the angle of curvature (angle value) that needs treated.

Treatment considerations are to prevent the scoliosis from increasing or to correct the scoliosis in cases where the assessment shows that the spine has not stopped growing. If left untreated, the spine will become more curvy until the angle exceeds the acceptable value. Correction is required in cases. Where the angle exceeds the acceptable value (regardless of age). In some cases, the angle of curvature is not much but cosmetic surgery is desire. Non-surgical treatment initiated in cases where young patients can wear a body restraint device. However, in cases where the patient has a high angle of curvature, surgery to correct the curvature, fusion of the spine, and metal braces are necessary.

2. Scoliosis from central nervous system disorders 

will have scoliosis symptoms since childhood, but it is more severe and has neurological symptoms such as muscle weakness. People who are at risk are those who have a family history of scoliosis, but it can also occur in those who do not have a family history.

Treatment methods : Because caused by central nervous system disorders is very complicate to treat, most doctors need to perform surgery to reduce the neurological abnormalities.

3. Scoliosis due to degeneration of the spine is common in elderly people with arthritis, degenerative spine diseases, and osteoporosis.

Treatment method: The doctor will correct along with other conditions such as nerve root compression.

Is it possible to protect the cervical spine?

Prevention of idiopathic caused by abnormalities of the central nervous system cannot be prevente. Doctors can only diagnose and treat it early. Therefore, if it is notice early, it will have a good effect on treatment. As for scoliosis caused by degenerative spine, the best way to prevent degenerative spine is to take care of your health, exercise regularly, use your back and spine appropriately in your daily life, and prevent osteoporosis in the elderly.