stop! “Diabetes” by adjusting behavior

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) revealed that people with pre-diabetes. There is a trend of increasing continuously . In 2021 there were approximately 541 million people around the world, accounting for 10.6% and it is expected that in the next 65 years it may increase to 730 million people or 11.4% for Thailand. From the results of the health survey of Thai people aged 15 years and over in 2020, up to 10.7% of people with pre-diabetes were found, so it can be seen that This condition is considered an important problem at the national level. and international level
Prediabetes (Prediabetes) is a condition in which there are high levels of glucose in the blood. But it still doesn’t meet the criteria for diabetes, that is, there’s an abnormality in the body’s use of sugar. This group of patients will diagnose with abnormal fasting blood sugar levels (Impaired Fasting plasma Glucose, IFG) and/or impaired glucose tolerance (Impaired Glucose Tolerance, IGT) and/or detected Accumulated blood sugar (HbA1C) is between 5.7-6.4%, which this group of patients If you do not take care of yourself properly There will be a chance of developing diabetes in the next 5 years.
The key to preventing diabetes in the future is: Changing lifestyle behaviors Which consists of 5 things:
1. Eating the right amount of healthy food.
Use the 2:1:1 principle by dividing your plate into 3 parts.
- 50% are leafy vegetables and less sweet fruits.
- 25% is rice flour and whole grains
- 25% are plant-based proteins such as tofu, beans, or low-fat proteins such as fish.
- Reduce or avoid consumption of foods high in sugar and highly processed foods. (Ultra-processed Food)
2. Control weight
In people who are overweight or obese If you lose at least 5-7% of your weight in 6 months, you can reduce your chance of developing diabetes.
3. Exercise regularly.
Do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, or 30-50 minutes per day, at least 3-5 days per week. together with increasing physical movement in daily life
4. Avoid risky behavior
Refrain from getting enough rest. Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking, etc.
5. Consult an expert
Follow the instructions for adjusting behavior. Discuss problems and follow up with experts regularly, at least every 3-6 months.
Prediabetes It is an important warning sign. If you don’t change your behavior May lead to diabetes and increases the risk of complications such as cardiovascular disease, retinal disease, and nerve disease. and kidney disease in the future which is the cause of premature death