Breads are foods that are high in carbohydrates. It is often viewed as the cause of obesity. But bread is not all bad. If we know the principles of choosing each type of bread
Most women will eat bread and milk in the morning with milk. Or eat it as a snack between meals. The problem is that the type of bread you eat is often too high in calories, fat, and sugar, causing you to gain weight.
Breads are foods that have been baked through the baking process. That contains the main ingredient as flour , such as wheat flour etc., bread contains the main nutrients as carbohydrates.
Compared with vegetables and fruit , and bread will make energy more calories. But there are other useful nutrients. Especially dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals are lower as well.
If you already like to eat bread and want to lose weight for your beauty shape. We have to be wise to choose or bake it by yourself the type of bread. Because the calorie content and quality of the bread depends on pure ingredients such as ( 1 ) whole wheat bread (Whole Wheat Bread) contains dietary fiber and antioxidants. Than white bread (White Bread), etc.
Other bread types such as Tortilla, Naan, Foccacia, Ciabatta, Brioche, Bagel and Baguette provide different energy and nutrients depending on the ingredients.
Therefore, we have to read the label to become a habit every time. To find out which type of bread is most suitable for weight loss
Best Breads for Weight Loss
If you want to review each brand of bread. I think we will have to write it for the next year. So I will introduce techniques for choosing bread for weight loss better.
I believe everyone knows that “white bread” or white bread is bad for weight loss. Because they are high in simple carbohydrates The carbohydrates of this type are converted to glucose very quickly, causing the sugar level and Insulin hormone Skyrocket.
As a result, the body stores more fat. The risk of obesity and diabetes is also increasing.
Therefore, we should avoid white breads, such as those used for burgers (Burger Buns), etc.

Later, the bread that is written on the packaging as “Wheat,” “Multi-Grains” or “100% Natural” is not good for health and weight loss.
For example, wheat flour bread may be added to Food Coloring Agent and Molasses for a deeper color. And more eye-catching etc.
Therefore, when reading the label, we have to choose a brand that has the words “Whole Wheat” or “Whole Grains” mainly.
The rule of thumb when choosing bread for weight loss is that bread must contain at least 3 grams of dietary fiber per slice, in addition, the sugar content should not be more than 3 grams per slice as well.

When reading the label, if you find the following ingredients in the bread. I do not recommend buying it to eat.
- Trans Fat / Hydrogenated Oils
- Processed vegetable oil
- Sugar, fruit and toast a sweetener instead of sugar more.
- Food coloring
Do you know that Although the government has measures for food manufacturers to reduce trans fat content. But if the food contains no more than 0.5g of trans fat per serving, the manufacturer can write an ad or write on the package. Free)
First of all, I would like to say that sodium is a mineral that is essential for many functions of the body such as controlling / adjusting the water content both outside and in the cell wall. And also to control blood permeability
But the problem is that most of the food we eat, especially fast food. Deli and bread (mostly) contain more salt (sodium) than the recommended daily intake.
The recommended daily dosage is 1,500-2,300 mg / day only (1 teaspoon salt).
In the case of bread Manufacturers may use both salt (Salt) and Sodium Chloride (Sodium Chloride) to help improve the taste. Helping the bread to form And to ferment yeast (Yeast)
Most breads contain about 100-180 milligrams of sodium, or about 7-12% of your recommended daily intake.
Therefore, to reduce the risk of heart disease, edema and reduce the burden of kidney function. We should limit the amount of bread eaten per day to about 1-2 pieces / day.
Also, make sure to read smart to see how much sodium is per serving. And choose a brand that puts a little salt first.
People who are allergic to gluten intolerance should choose bread made with oatmeal or brown rice ( 2 ), and make sure to read the label carefully every time. Because some brands may be made in the same factory as gluten-containing flour. Look for the words “May Contain Gluten”.